OpenFest 2015

05 November 2015

E-card has created innovative software projects and develops a great team of specialists for the last 15 years. The company's projects are familiar to almost every Bulgarian, because the E-CARD's team has created few of the most popular TV shows, games and web-based services, shown at the company website

The main object of the company is to invest into good ideas and people, and so it supports the Open Fest conference for the 2-nd time. The dynamic working process at the company requires continually development of  the team expertness.

During the Open Fest 2015 all visitors will be able to join the raffle for 20 excellent IT books for self improvement in MySQL, FreeBSD, Perl, MariaDB, JS, HTML5. Every visitor is free to join our "tombola" by choosing a proper theme and enter with valid email address. The winners will be announced at the conference closing at 8th November.

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